Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween

Owen & Ashton
Ashley, Meegan, & Me
Owen, Cannin, Ashton, Ashley, & Riley

Trick or treating was great tonight. We went to the Wedekings house for chili dogs and chips then off to trick or treat. We ran into some of our old friends which was great and had a quick catch up them. The kids cleaned house. After about an hour Riley, Ashley, & Owen were spent. Ashton was ready to keep on trekking so Meegan, Ashley W., Get, Cannin, & I took him around one more circle before he had to go potty and called it a night. Thanks to the Wedekings for having us and we are sad that this was our last Halloween together before they head back to Texas :(

Friday, October 30, 2009

Boys Halloween parties

I didn't get to stay in Owen's classroom but he said he had a great time. He got to be in a parade. Each class walked around the entire school so all the kids could check out each other's costumes. He got some goody bags full of treats and toys. He got to eat cookies that looked like eyeballs. He said the had a limbo contest and got to play outside on the playground.
I ended up helping out in Ashton's classroom because the people who volunteered to help out did not show up. Ashton's class got to be in the parade as well. Then we came back and had snacks. We played Heads up 7 Up and then they partnered up for the mummy game. It was quite hilarious to watch the kids try to wrap their friend up with toilet paper to look like a mummy. Then we gave them their sweet snack(cookies & brownies) and their treat bags. Then we sent them home. It was a great time and I was glad to be able to help out.

Friday -- Sports Day

Friday is finally here and thus ends the boys "Say No to Drugs" campaign. They both wore their old soccer jerseys. They are looking forward to playing soccer this summer or baseball or football or the list goes on and on. Now we just have to get them to decide on one sport to play. Owen & Ashton both asked me first thing this morning, "Are we going Trick or Treating tonight?" but unfortunately that is not until Saturday. Although we may take them to Trunk or Treating at the local Church. I just have to find the flyer with the address on it. Hope everyone has had a great week and stay tuned for Trick or Treating Pictures.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Halloween Parade

Taylor & her friend
Ashton, Mathew, Riley & Owen
Cannin & Ashley
Cannin, Owen, & Ashton

Tonight we took the kids to the Halloween parade. Vandalia police blocked off a section of National Rd for the kids to march down and into Morton Middle Schools Gymnasium. They got to march around the Gym a couple times for the judges to vote on costumes. If you got a ticket you got to pick a prize off the table and if not they gave a trick or treat bag with some candy in it. They had wonderful time. Cannin won first place for his age group. Ashley & Taylor each won in their age groups. But our 6 & 7 year old boys didn't win :( Oh well there is always next year.

Thursday-- Boots Day

Thursday brings us closer to the end of our "Say No to Drugs" campaign. The boys each wear their boots today to show that they support a drug free lifestyle. It also prompted a conversation between the three of us about how drugs are bad for you and what things can happen to you when you take drugs. For being 6 & 7 years old, they sure did have plenty of great reasons on why not to take drugs. They are two very smart little guys and we are very proud of them. We hope that we are teaching them great values and that each of our boys live happy and full lives.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

More fun in the leaves


The kids decided to play in the big pile of leaves in our front yard again tonight. They had a great time playing and Thanks to Meegan(who took the pics), I have some pictures to share. Enjoy! The kids sure did!

Wednesday -- Jeans Day

Today the boys had to wear jeans in their continued support to saying "No to Drugs" Ashton wanted to wear his favorite holely jeans but I agreed that he could wear them when he got home instead. It took some convincing but we finally agreed.

It was a nasty morning this morning but by lunch it had cleared up. The boys said they had to stay inside for recess because the ground was too wet. Owen was psyched because he got to play with legos and puzzles but Ashton was a little miffed. He loves to be outside.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Tuesday- - Pajama Day

Today was Pajama Day at school. The boys were so excited about wearing their PJs to school this morning. Owen wanted to wear his slippers but unfortunately they had to wear their shoes. Owen wore his Star Wars PJ pants and a T-shirt. Ashton wore his Transformer PJs.

Since yesterday was nice the boys and their friend Riley spent the afternoon after school running around burning off some energy. Which we all know that boys have tons of energy to burn off or at least that is the case at our house. After being stuck in school all day if they aren't able to get outside and run around for a bit they will drive me crazy.

My boys went to Riley's house first to play in their fort in their backyard and to help him put together some of Star Wars toys he got yesterday for his birthday. Then the boys moved around to the front yard and played football with Zane (Riley's dad). It was so much fun watching them play. Then it dawned on me that I should get the camera out but by the time I did they were done.

After football, they decided to come over and jump in the leaves that Justin and I raked out of our driveway. Which was a huge pile by the way. They all had a blast jumping in the pile of leaves.

Monday was also the start to the boys school "Say No to Drugs" Week. Mondays theme was to wear red. I am not sure if you could tell from the pictures but they were all wearing some form of red. Stay tuned for pictures from the rest of the week. Each day will have a different theme which will lead up to their Halloween party on friday. I am hoping to get pictures from each classroom that day.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Riley's Bday Party

This evening we took the boys to a birthday party for one of our neighbors. They had a wonderful time. They ate pizza, cupcakes, and got to run around and play for 2 hours. Needless to say they were sweaty and exhausted by the time we got home. They got a bath we read for 30 minutes and as soon as their heads hit the pillow they were out! Thanks to Meegan & Zane for the invite and we had a great time! HOpe everyone had a great weekend!

New Family Photos

Just wanted to share some of our new family pictures that we took today! We thought we better get out there and get it done before it gets cold again. Hope you enjoy!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Game Night

We started the day with a family game of Monopoly. The boys have been begging to play forever so I told Owen after we had lunch we would play. As we sat down to play, the boys told their dad that it is family time and he had to play with us. Seeing how much he despises the game, it took a bit of coaxing from the boys but he joined in and played with us. It was fun. We didn't finish but we got to a stopping point and then just counted up our money. I am happy to say I won!! Ashton was right behind me, then Owen, then Daddy! Later on in the afternoon the Wedekings stopped by and we continued on with game night. We took turns playing the winner on Electronic Guess Who, then we moved onto a Wii sports tournament, then the guys started playing a game and Ashley & I played Nertz. I wanted to get the pictures posted and drop a line to let everyone know we are still here. Hope everyone is having a great weekend.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Leaves are fun!

This afternoon I got the rake out and made a pile of leaves for the boys to jump in! O how I long for the days when I was a kid their age. It was so much fun to watch them run and jump and just plain have a great time playing in the leaves. They even got Chainsaw and the kittens involved. Owen and Ashton both told me that they can't wait for it to snow so I can make a huge pile for them to jump in! I on the other can... I am not looking forward to the snow! Hope everyone had a great weekend and stayed tuned to see what happens next in the Winter household!

Happy Birthday Ashley!!

Last night we threw Ashley a surprise party for her birthday. Unfortunately, Casey, Danielle & the kids were unable to make it. Makenna & Emilia were both sick. (Hope they are feeling better) So it was just us and the neighbors. We had so much fun. Meegan made a wonderful pasta dish and I baked the birthday cakes. We drank lots of wine and played our own version of catch phrase. The night ended in a tie between Men and women each winning one round. We had lots of laughs and made some great memories. Happy Birthday again to Ashley!!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Butler Township Fire Dept. Pumpkin Give Away

Today we went to the Fire Department up the road from our house. They were having a pumpkin give away, Ident-a-kids program (where you can have the kids pictures taken and finger printed), cookie decorating and a bunch of little booths of info for the adults. It was a lot of fun. The boys decorated their cookies for Halloween and had them eaten before we left. We waited in line to have them finger printed but wasn't able to get it done before they policeman ran out of time. So hopefully we will be able to have that done sometime soon. Then they had their pictures taken which I have to pick up @ the fire department on Monday. They both got to use the jaws of life which they thought was totally cool. Then it was off to explore the different fire trucks. Each of the boys had to sit in every drivers seat and check out the insides. They had a lot of fun this morning despite it being cold. It was a great way to spend our Saturday morning. Hope all is well with everyone and have a great weekend!!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Carving Pumpkins

Tonight we had dinner then helped the kids carve their pumpkins. It was alot of fun watching their faces as they cleaned out the inside of the pumpkins. Owen kept making a throw up noise and Ashton didn't care how dirty he was getting. Cannin tried to eat the stringy stuff as Ashley cleaned the inside out. Justin drew the face on Ashton's pumpkin but Owen drew the face all by himself. He wanted to carve it but we are just not ready to turn him loose with the knife yet. We cherish these moments because sooner or later they won't want to do things like this with us. I love to watch their expressions as they change year by year but in the same turn I dread them. With each year that passes they are turning more into boys instead of my little babies :( Carving Pumpkins was such a wonderful way to spend a gloomy, rainy Friday night. Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Sick Boys!!

Our boys have been sick this week, YUCK! Ashton got sick Sunday night and finally went back to school today and then Owen got sent home from school yesterday afternoon. Ashton ran a little fever and has a cough. Owen on the other hand has run a high fever (@ night especially) and is getting a stuffy nose. I hope that it is nothing serious. I have been keeping them full of fluids and tylenol for the fever. Wish them well and keep your fingers crossed that I don't get it. Poor Owen is still running a fever tonight so I am off to go check on him. I will be making a phone call to the doctors office tomorrow it looks like. I hate it when they don't feel well because I feel so helpless. Hope everyone is having a great week!!

Covered Bridge Festival

This past weekend Ashley & I took a road trip to Indiana to visit my mom and my sisters. We all decided to make a girls weekend and head over to the Covered Bridge Festival in Mansfield Indiana. None of us had been there except my mom. Friday afternoon, Ashley and I hit the road and headed to Amber's house to pick her up and then it off to mom and dad's house. We stopped at the Antique shop that is on 24 just before you get to Mom & dads. It was very crowded but Amber and I both found something that we had been looking for. After we got to Mom & dad's house we waited for Amanda to get there so we could go get dinner. We headed over to Watseka to have dinner. No one was impressed with their dinner but me. I quite enjoyed mine. After dinner we headed back to the house and put in a movie. We watched "The Watseka Wonder" that aired on SYFY channel about a possessed girl that used to live in Watseka, IL. (Mom took us by the house where the girl used to live. It is still there in Watseka and actually looks exactly the same.) 4am came early Saturday morning as we all got up to get ready for a full day of shopping. My car decided that it was going to freak out on us on the way through Attica. Luckily Chuck was just a phone call away to help my out. (Thanks Chuck, You're the best!!) I have an antifreeze leak, need a new throttle positioner, and my transmission fluid needs to be changed. So needless to say this weekend Justin has his work out for him this weekend. Other than that it was loads of fun and it was nice to see my family again. We shopped until we dropped and then headed out early Sunday to get back home to Ohio!!