Friday, July 30, 2010

Dayton Dragons Game

Me & Meegan
Ashley, Taylor, Riley, Owen, AShton & Sam

This week we took the boys to a Dayton Dragons baseball game with our neighbors! It was such a blast. It was the first baseball we have been to since we lived in Arkansas. The boys had fun watching the game and of course getting cotton candy. The Dragons lost but one of their players hit a home run which was totally the highlight of the game. That was the one thing that Ashton (and I) wanted to see! The weather wasn't too bad after the sun went down. We thought the game was going to get rained out but luckily it passed over us.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Cox Arboretum

the kids shadows
Pretty butterfly

Cox Arboretum was pretty neat. They had beautiful flowers, a butterfly house and awe inspiring landscaping. It was so miserably hot that day but we managed to check out most of it. The Butterfly house was my favorite part. We have planned on making a trip back there in August to see what new butterflies are out! Then we walked a trail and got some awesome pictures of the kids. Enjoy the pictures! We had a wonderful time!

Thomas Cloud Park

Last week we took the kids to the new Thomas Cloud Water Park. With the weather being so hot we have been trying to find things for the kids to do outside where they can run off some energy but not die of a heat stroke in the process. It was a neat little park. I had never seen anything like it until we moved here. The kids had a wonderful time and played for a couple of hours. It had big water guns, arches you walk under, all different kinds of spouts that come up from the ground. It was really an awesome time. Then it was time to head home to get things going for dinner!

Jordans Party

Happy Birthday to my friend Cheri's son Jordan! She had a wonderful party next door. Tons of food and the kids had a blast playing in the pool. It was nice to visit with the ladies as well. We watched the kids play for hours in the pool then it was time for cake and gifts. Jordan got lots of neat stuff and money to put toward the game system he wanted! The weather held out thank goodness until after the party. Hope he had a wonderful day! Happy Birthday Jordan!

Visiting Uncle Paul & Aunt Toot

We went last week to visit Chuck, Leta, Uncle Paul and Aunt Toot in Hamilton. Chuck and Leta were here helping them with a project so we drove up there for the day to see them. Besides it was Leta's birthday too! Happy Birthday Mamaw! Owen wasn't feeling well that day which was no fun but it was nice to see them even though it was only a couple of hours. Ashton and Mamaw hung out together while Owen laid down and watched a movie. Justin, Chuck, and Uncle Paul worked on fixing the driveway. I hung out and chatted with Aunt Toot & Leta! It was a lovely day!

Summer Fun

As the summer is slowly coming to an end the boys and I are trying to the pool as much as we can! We have also been trying to hit as many metro parks with our friends too! It it nice making memories and taking all these pictures for them to look back on one day! I just hope that they are enjoying it as much as I do. I love having them home but I am also looking forward to getting more quiet time around here.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Camping at Ceasar Creek

Ashton H. Winter 6 yrs
Owen C Winter 8 yrs
the beautiful red sunset taken at the beach
Taylor, Owen, Riley, Meegan, Ashley, Me, & Ashton

This week we went camping at Ceasar Creek. It was so hot and muggy we spent most of our time at the beach with the kids. The kids played in the sand or swam around the water bugging us while Meegan and I were trying to float around and chit chat like we do. We also played some games by the camp fire at night after we put the kids to bed. The kids were just excited that they got to stay up late. Although our last night there we made them go to bed a little earlier because they were all worn out from being in the sun for the better part of 3 days. Sunblock, water, and snacks were a definite must for us :) Again a big Thanks to the Brady family for inviting us along we had such a wonderful time!

4th of July

the kids sparklers
I love this picture!
This one also shot rockets in the air but it was very hard to catch a pic of that

We had a blast on the 4th. We bbqed with the Brady, the Herman, and the McGee families. It was nice to spend the day in the pool and play some corn hole. Jane and I kicked some major butt. We won every game! Go team Turquoise!! We rule :) A big THANK YOU to the Brady family for hosting such a wonderful party and firework show. Looking forward to many more.