Saturday, April 5, 2008

DARC @ The Presidents Cup

Well I got to see my first live rugby match, it was a great day to watch. It was finally warm enough to go out in a short sleeved shirt and enjoy the day. I am looking at joining the Dayton Area Rugby Club (DARC). They are the one's in red. It is still a little intimidating thinking about getting the crap kicked out of myself for 80 minutes or so. Anyway here are a couple pics from the match.

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DARC @ The Presidents Cup


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DARC @ The Presidents Cup


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DARC @ The Presidents Cup


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DARC @ The Presidents Cup


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DARC @ The Presidents Cup


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Thursday, March 27, 2008

Sprint Update

Well I guess Sprint was mistaken or they didn't expect to be be called out. Here is what they had to say today:

Dear Justin Winter:          Rebate ID: XXXXXX17

Thank you for contacting the Sprint/Nextel Rebate Center. We apologize for any inconvenience; please disregard any invalid information regarding your rebate. We are pleased to inform you that your rebate is valid in the amount of $100.00. Your rebate check should be mailed within the next 30 days.

We appreciate your participation in this promotion. To track your rebate online please go to

Promotions Customer Service


I am glad they rectified the situation, I just wish they would have done what they said they would do from the beginning.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Good times with Sprint (not really)

I bought my Sprint Mogul on 1 Feb 08, I got an instant rebate in-store essentially for my upgrade of my old phone, then I was told I would get a mail-in rebate (the sales clerk put all the documents together for me to mail in). The rebate status is listed below, this isn't the first time I have heard about Sprint doing this with rebates. The same thing just happened to my in-laws when they bought their new phones.

Track Your Rebate Results

Tracking Results: Status Detail

Offer Information for: XXXXXX17


Date Received: 02-20-2008

Status: Post Card Printed

Status Detail: All applicable discounts for your recently purchased Sprint Nextel device were given at the time of purchase or are not available based on the upgrade program requirements.

There's a shock, Sprint doesn't want to give someone a rebate so they just have their sales clerks push the rebates so they can later say "you already got all your discounts". Well hopefully they just made a mistake, I emailed them today.

I will update when they get back to me.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Ashton's big adventure

Well we just got back from the emergency room, Ashton decided to ride his friend Travis' skateboard. Well I guess he did good until he hit a patch of mud and took a dive into a nice soft patch of sidewalk. They thought he might get a stitch or two when we took him to the emergency room, I guess it was a pretty big decision since it took them two hours to figure out what they were going to do. He ended up geting a little super glue and a couple butterfly bandages (that he pulled off as soon as we got home). Owen and I watched SWAT on my new phone while Amy and Ashton were in with the doctors. There are a couple of pictures from the face plant below, Sorry for the booger shot in the first pic (Ashton still has a cold).

Thanks for reading.

I hate Flickr

It turns out that Flickr is holding my pictures hostage, so untill I can figure somewhere else to put them I will have to do some rearranging, yeah good times. Here is the ransom note from my Flickr page.

Hey winterfamilyfun! About your photos...

You've run into one of the limits of a free account. Your free account will only display the most recent 200 photos you've uploaded. All of your photos beyond 200 will remain hidden from view until you either delete newer photos, or upgrade to a Pro account.

None of your photos have been deleted, and if you upgrade, they'll all come back unharmed.

Nice huh

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Friday night bowling

Here are the pictures of our bowling trip.

The Dayton Art Institute

Here is the slide show of the Dayton Art Institute trip. Click the picture to move forward.

The Boonshoft Museum slideshow

Here is the slide show of the Boonshoft Museum trip. Click the picture to move forward.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

What a great weekend!

Well Amy and I got a day to our selves today, Amy's sister and husband came down this weekend and took the boys to a childrens museum called Boonshoft Museum of Discovery. While they were out enjoying their museum Amy and I got to spend the afternoon at the Dayton Art Institute. We all went bowling last night and had a lot of fun. The boys did really well, Owen almost broke 100! Hopefully I will get a couple slideshows up of our trips, if i can figure out a good way to post them.

Thanks for reading.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Winter Family

Winter Family
Originally uploaded by winterfamilyfun

Here is our family picture before Christmas, it only took 10 tries to get a good one.

The first Winter family blog

Well this is the first post in our new blog, hopefully there will be many more to come. I am in the Air Force, my wife Amy is a stay at home mom for our two awesome boys Owen and Ashton and she also runs a small daycare out of our house. Owen just started kindergarten this year and loves it, Ashton will be starting school next year. Owen loves school and is so excited everyday about learning new things. Ashton can't wait to start school next year, I don't think he'll like getting up early though.