Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Lonely Wednesday

It has been a few days since I have posted something so I thought I better get on here tonight. We are enjoying our visit with the family and it is nice to be back in Kentland for a little bit. (It would be better if mom was still laid off but I am glad that she got to back to work anyway. She was worried about not having a job so for that I am thankful that she did get to return to work.) Tonight was a lonely night for me. Mom, Aunt Sue and I went over to Watseka to Marys Emporium to look around. I didn't find much but did get a new windchime and 2 yard stakes for in front of our house. Then we stopped @ BK for dinner and then headed home to watch a movie. We watched Push and it was a great movie. Lots of action and kicking ass!! My favorite kind of movie. The boys are having their camp out with Papaw Chuck so it is super quiet so I figured I would head to bed after this. I promise to get the camera out tomorrow and update some pictures. Hope everyone is having a wonderful week! Miss you Justin and see you soon!

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