Saturday, November 28, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

We spent Thanksgiving this year with the Wedeking and Brady families. We deep fried a turkey, baked a ham, had cheesy mashed potatoes, a veggie tray, a meat, cheese, & cracker tray, corn, corn casserole, stuffing, rolls, trifle, ambrosia, white chocolate amaretto cheese cake, & pumkin pie. We were all stuffed. We also did some activities with kids to keep the occupied for a bit throughout the evening. My project for them was to make a reindeer using brown construction paper and using their hands as the antlers. We let them pick out what paper they wanted to use for antlers and we had some interesting choices. Then the kids used glitter glue to paint on his face and nose. Meegan's project for the kids was to turn cookies into Rudolph the red nosed reindeer using red m&ms, chocolate chips for the eyes and pretzels for the antlers. They turned out super cute and were very delicious to eat too! And finally Ashley's project was to make snowman on green ornaments using some paint and their little fingers. Then she wrote the kids name and year on the back so they can could always remember our holiday together. All and all is was a great day despite the snow/rain mix that decided to fall just about at the same time we decided to cook the turkey. Great Food and Great Friends make for a Fantastic holiday!!

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