Friday, September 24, 2010

49ers Flag Football

So last Sunday officially kicked off our fall season of flag football. This season our team is the 49ers. They have a lot of wonderful players. Our first game was a loss 26 to 28 but it was a very exciting game. Owen was on fire. He pulled the flag of their biggest player at least 5 times during the game. Almost every boy on the team scored a touch down but 2! Zane (the coach) does a superb job at making sure each of the boys gets to play every position! Our boys are a bit on the smaller side but boy can they kick some serious butt! We are so very proud of our players. They did a wonderful job and played their little hearts out! Way to go 49ers! Can't wait to see what this weekends game has in store for us as well as the rest of our season!

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