Saturday, May 28, 2011
may 24th

membership and was going almost everyday for 30 minutes. You
would have thought that that would have helped my knee but apparently not. A new brace that allows me to bend my knee and physical therapy are in my future so I will keep you all posted as new things develop. Pray that I don't have to do too much therapy because it is expensive and very painful :( And a big thanks for everyone that has helped me thru the past couple of weeks. I have great family and friends who have been so helpful and supportive. So big hugs and thanks from me :)

May 20th
Surgery is today.... I was so nervous. They used a blocker in my leg which I never had done before. I did not feel any pain in my leg for 24 hours the only was I needed help getting to and from the restroom because my leg felt like it weighed 100lbs. It was total dead weight. Thank goodness my parent came Thursday night to help out with me and the boys. Surgery was a success and it only took 2 hours from getting to the hospital til we were on our way home. When the block wore off I think that was the worse because the pain came crashing in. I kept up with my meds which let me sleep. So I was pretty out of it Friday. Saturday my mom cleaned my house for me and watched the boys while Dad hung out in the living room with me and watched Mob wives! I will be so happy when this is over and I can walk again. But again a HUGE Thanks to my parents for all their help this weekend.
May 18th

I couldn't help but take this picture. The look on JJs face is priceless. He nursed that raw hide for so long. He was not amused with me taking his picture but I could not help myself. Every time he would set it down in front of him, one of our other dogs would come and try to take it. He would pick it up in his mouth just like with that look on his face like... "Really you are not having my treat:)"
May 17th
May 12
Just got back from the Ortho appointment and it is not good news. When I dislocated my knee I ripped a bunch of muscles so it looks like I will be having surgery on the 20th. Not the news that I wanted to hear but I need to get it done. Now hopefully this will fully fix my knee issues because I can't handle this again. It was hard getting around with this brace and crutches when I was a teenager but now that I am an adult with a family it is a lot tougher. I can't get around and do things that I need to do and I can't drive because I can't get into the car with my leg in this brace. So the next few months are going to be very trying for me and my family. They have so far come together and helped me out. Owen has learned how to run the dryer (since I can't get down to the basement and carry up the laundry) and he has learned to use the vacuum. Ashton has been my little chef and dishwasher. They help me into the computer chair (its on wheels which allows me to move around) and prop my leg up on an upside down laundry basket so I can sweep then they hold the dust pan for me. So we have developed a little system to get some things done but it is not the same. I had a bunch of things I wanted to do around here before Owens party and now that has to be put on the back burner! Oh well we are playing the hand we were dealt and we will make it through!
May 10
Well unfortunately I am sad to say that I will be out of commission for a bit. I feel on friday and dislocated my left knee again. 15 years later and 1 surgery later one slip and out goes my knee. Damn slippery wood floors. It hurt like a son of gun but I finally got it back in place and had to call my neighbor to come sit with me until Justin go home to take me to Urgent care. The horrible part was that I was here with the boys alone and I had my neighbors son as well. So I hope that they are not too scarred by that moment. Nothing was broken from what the x rays showed so that is good news. Now on to the Orthopedist on Thursday.
Teacher Appreciation week 5-9/5-13
Every year their school takes a week out in May to do something special everyday for their staff. The boys are always so excited to make things for all their teachers. I would like to send a big thanks out there for Mr. Arnett, Mrs. Ward, Mrs. Burns, Mrs. Maschino and all the staff for the wonderful job that they do for our children. If it was not for these wonderful staff members with huge hearts and commitment for our students I don't know where the kids would be. We are very lucky to have joined such a wonderful school!
May 1st
Happy Birthday McKaley!!
Today we went to spend the day with McKaley for her birthday. The only bad part was our hour trip turned into 2 hours because of an accident on the interstate. We crawled through traffic for almost 45 minutes. She had her party at the skating rink in Hamilton. So the boys got pretty at skating by the time this weekend was over. It was so nice to be able to spend the weekend with our family. We got to see Mamaw and Papaw Cupp too so that was an added bonus especially for the boys. They were so excited to see their grandparents. McKaley got lots of neat things for her birthday. She gave out cupcakes and they served lunch :) It was tons of fun and we look forward to seeing them all again for Owen's birthday!
April 29th

Happy Birthday Taylor Brady!!
Taylor had her birthday @ skateworld this year. It was so much fun. The boys had never been skating before so this was a totally new experience for them. Ashton preferred roller blades to roller skates. He is no fear that child. He strapped on the roller blades, hit the floor and never looked back. He fell a few times and came home with some nice bruises but he had a blast. Owen preferred the skates to roller blades. He was more steady on skates :) It took him a few minutes to build up the courage to get out there so Justin took him around the rink a few times but by the end of the night he was haulin' butt around the rink with the rest of the kids.
April 23rd
Mom and dad delivered the boys train track this weekend when they came to visit. The boys were so excited to get it here and to be able to play with it. Now they are going to have to decide what era we are going to build the background in. Steve, Dad, and mom got them trains and some building for christmas so now it is up to me to help the boys get the building together. They are super excited and I think I am just as excited as they are to play with the train set. The last picture is a start of what will eventually be a barn :) I will post pictures as we come along with the background :)
April 17th
It finally warmed up enough for the kids to head outside and play for the day. Justin played basketball with Ashton & Riley. The boys had a wonderful time trying to beat Justin even though Justin has a huge advantage. The boys tried their hardest to get the ball from him but every time they would get close he would hold the ball over the heads to where they could not reach it. I guess that is just and advantage of being tall :) They eventually got tired of basketball and decided to get the Nerf guns out and attack Justin. So then they spent the rest of the day trying to sneak up on Justin and shoot him. He is so good with them and was even a good sport about letting them attack him and win every once in awhile :)
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