Saturday, May 28, 2011

May 12

Just got back from the Ortho appointment and it is not good news. When I dislocated my knee I ripped a bunch of muscles so it looks like I will be having surgery on the 20th. Not the news that I wanted to hear but I need to get it done. Now hopefully this will fully fix my knee issues because I can't handle this again. It was hard getting around with this brace and crutches when I was a teenager but now that I am an adult with a family it is a lot tougher. I can't get around and do things that I need to do and I can't drive because I can't get into the car with my leg in this brace. So the next few months are going to be very trying for me and my family. They have so far come together and helped me out. Owen has learned how to run the dryer (since I can't get down to the basement and carry up the laundry) and he has learned to use the vacuum. Ashton has been my little chef and dishwasher. They help me into the computer chair (its on wheels which allows me to move around) and prop my leg up on an upside down laundry basket so I can sweep then they hold the dust pan for me. So we have developed a little system to get some things done but it is not the same. I had a bunch of things I wanted to do around here before Owens party and now that has to be put on the back burner! Oh well we are playing the hand we were dealt and we will make it through!

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