Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Summer Fun

We had a great day today. The boys went and played with the neighbors for a bit this morning. Ashton came home and swam with his daddy in our pool while Owen stayed at the neighbors house and swam there. They both said they had a great time. Owen came home around 3pm to visit with his daddy before Justin went to work. Then the boys got in our pool and played for a couple of hours. They are little fish those two and it is very hard to get them out of the pool once they are in. Owen learned how to do summer salts in the water. He can do 3 with 1 breathe. Ashton learned how to go off the diving board today and he even swam from the board all the way to the little end. We are very proud of both boys. They are becoming strong little swimmers and I am so happy that they enjoy the water as much as we do. Hope you all enjoy the pictures and have a wonderful rest of the week.

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