Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Saturday Night


This weekend was a busy one for us. We were trying to make sure that they boys had everything that they needed to start school on Tuesday and trying to fix up stuff around the house. Saturday the Wedekings came over and Ashley made a new chicken dish for us to try. It was wonderful! Then Justin & Dustin worked on trying to fix our built in ice maker. After a little yelling and lots of arguing I think they figured out what was wrong with it. For those of you that don't know when our husbands work together it is like Clark & Eddie (from the National Lampoon Movies) Watching those two work together is a riot! The boys were out playing with friend until dusk so I didn't get any pictures of them. But I got a great one of Cannie B. We sure are going to miss them when they move back to Texas. It will be weird not seeing them all the time. It is like having a piece of your family torn away but we are making plans to visit :) Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend!

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