Thursday, August 13, 2009


I am falling behind on our blog so I thought while I have a few minutes I would fill you in. We started the week with a trip to the dentist. Owen did well no cavities and has to go this coming Monday to have sealant put on his 4 adult teeth. Ashton also did well but has ground down his front teeth so far that you can see the nerves. The dentist said that there was nothing she could do and that his teeth may be sensitive if he keeps grounding them after his adult teeth come in he will have to be fitted for a guard.
The boys have one more week for summer vacation before school begins. Tomorrow is registration day and I will find out bus schedules & who their teachers will be. yeah! I am excited and I just hope they enjoy going to school again this year. We bought some school clothes & all their supplies so they are ready to go.
I have been babysitting everyday and then tending to house stuff at night. It keeps me busy and I am sorry to say it is keeping me from getting on here and getting my camera out. I plan on taking plenty of pictures this weekend so I hopefully get you caught up on the new pictures of the boys. Have a great weekend!!

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